The treatment of the child with cerebral palsy is often complex and requires the contribution of multiple specialties. A comprehensive approach is therefore necessary in order for the child to receive optimal medical and physical care.

The Spasticity clinic
The spasticity clinic at Children’s Cerebral Palsy focuses on the compressive needs of the child with spasticity. A comprehensive exam is performed at each clinic which includes a thorough history of both the family and child. Each specialist then contributes to an organized multidisciplinary approach to the care of the child.
Specialists present at each clinic include:
- Pediatric Neurology: Medical management of seizures and spasticity.
- Pediatric Neurosurgery: Surgical management of spasticity which may include selective rhizotomy and/or baclofen pumps.
- Pediatric Physiatry: Medical management of spasticity and possible selective Botox injections.
- Pediatric Orthopedics: Surgical release of contractures and realignment of bony deformities of both long bones, hips and spine.
- Pediatric Physical Therapy: Aggressive restoration of range of motion, gait and strength.
3-D Gait Analysis: Our Motion Analysis Center consists of advanced computer technology along with experienced interpretation.
The Motion Analysis Center measures movement, muscle activity, and force production during ambulation to create a clear picture of a patient’s challenges and needs. We use this information to plan treatments for children, teens and adults with a variety of conditions such as Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, and other neurologic diseases.
Benefits of this Technology
Old days used to watch kids walk and make decisions based on what we saw. This technology lets us see everything that is happening so we know to correct the problems and not the compensations. The result is a comprehensive, complex multi-level surgery addressing all pathology in one surgical setting. This unified approach results an overall greater successful gains and early return to rehabilitation avoiding multiple annual operative procedures.