
Spinal Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy and the Benefits of Surgery

Caring for a child with cerebral palsy involves addressing a range of complex needs to enhance their quality of life. Among these is the crucial aspect of achieving and maintaining spinal balance post-surgery, especially for those with conditions such as scoliosis and other spinal deformities.

The Importance of Spinal Balance

The human body operates optimally when it is properly aligned. For children with cerebral palsy, maintaining this alignment is essential not only for comfort but also for overall function. Surgical interventions to correct spinal deformities focus on achieving a balance that supports the body’s natural structure.

Frontal Plane Balance

Scoliosis, a common spinal issue in adolescence, involves a lateral curvature of the spine that can severely affect posture and mobility. Surgical correction aims to realign the spine to distribute the upper torso weight evenly over the pelvis. This balance in the frontal plane is vital as it ensures that the body can support itself with minimal stress at any given point.

Sagittal Plane Balance

Equally important is the balance in the sagittal plane, which involves the side view of the spine. Children with cerebral palsy, particularly those who are non-ambulatory, often spend a significant amount of time sitting. Proper sagittal alignment helps maintain the natural curve of the lower back, enhancing sitting posture and preventing complications such as pressure ulcers and sitting intolerance..

Post-surgical Outcomes and Care

Following surgery, the focus shifts to rehabilitation and ensuring that the spinal correction is maintained. Physical therapy, custom orthotics, and routine follow-ups play a significant role in postoperative care. These interventions are designed to strengthen the muscles around the spine, support the new alignment, and improve overall mobility.

Enhancing Life Through Balanced Care

Achieving spinal balance through surgical means provides a foundation upon which children with cerebral palsy can improve their mobility and enjoy a better quality of life. It allows them to engage more actively with their environment and participate in daily activities with greater ease and less pain.

A Team Approach to Treating Children with Cerebral Palsy

The journey to achieving and maintaining spinal balance in children with cerebral palsy is a concerted effort involving surgeons, physical therapists, and caregivers. Each plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the surgical benefits are long-lasting and that the child can lead a more comfortable and active life.

At Children’s Cerebral Palsy, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care that addresses the unique needs of each child. Through advanced surgical techniques and a holistic approach to rehabilitation, we strive to enhance the lives of children with cerebral palsy and empower their families with knowledge and support.

Click here to schedule a consultation today. 

Spinal Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy and the Benefits of Surgery